Should I attend CC or a bad 4 year college?

You can go to Trinity Washington and try to use all the resources at your disposal: go to office hours to ask professors about further books to read and questions about their lectures; join clubs, show leadership and commitment; get straight A’s; if a professor points out an opportunity do everything that it requires and quickly…


As someone who graduated from GW with a similar degree (political science), I’m not convinced that it’s worth the price tag at all. Did you also state that Marymount will offer you a full ride? I would choose that over Trinity Washington if those are your only full rides. I think proximity to the DC area at a less competitive school is an asset in the poli sci/IA fields, and Marymount would give you that access.

There are still schools you can apply to - living in DC does limit in state options, but have you considered CNU or VCU? CNU in particular has programs in your interest area, a good campus, and might offer some aid.

You sound like an amazing young person and I really respect you so much for all you are trying to do. I had to put myself through college as well (my parents could not afford to help) and it’s a very stressful thing to need to balance.


You could treat either Marymount or Trinity the way you would treat a CC, as a 2-year stepping stone to where you want to go except you got a free ride there rather than having to pay for cc – but you’ll need straight As and activities that show your potential. Considering your financial situation, your goal should be Georgetown, because they meet need for domestic students, meaning it’ll be affordable for you. The hard part will be getting in.

What can you do from either Trinity or Marymount? Email the political science and language department at each : are there internships, externships at embassies or cultural centers they can facilitate (if it wouldn’t be dangerous for you to step foot onto a foreign embassy’s soil)? What have cluvs related to their department achieved in the past few years?
Knowing what they can facilitate will help.

UMD at instate costs would also be a good possibility, keeping in mind politics&international relations are competitive entry due to proximity to DC and placement there.

Have you taken APs? Which ones and with what scores?

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Amira, have you visited both Marymount and Trinity? If not, please do that before you make a final decision.