should i be worried?

<p>so when i log into my UM and look at all my documents they have received i have all checks, i emailed the admissions office 2 weeks ago to double check they have everything and they said they did, however there is no indication on my UM that the school has begun to processes my application, its already march 7th, should i be worried?</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>


<p>I can only imagine how VERY busy the admissions office is during this time of the year. We were told they received over 28,000 applications. They must be working on the RD applicants now, I assume you applied Regular Decision?</p>

<p>I’d say if they told you they had received everything they needed, then you’re okay. I’m not sure about the process used to update myUM, but I’m guessing it’s a manual one and there are only so many hours in the day…</p>

<p>Remember, regular decision results come out until April 15th That’s still 5+ weeks away.

<p>i am a transfer student, and my MYUM is the same as yours. ur not alone man¡</p>

<p>i have heard that lots of people are notified on March rather than in April.</p>