So I’m writing an essay to change majors within my University, and I ended up taking only 4 credit hours last fall because I suffered a mental breakdown near the end of last July. I was severely depressed until November and I was unable to take a full semester load due to it. This makes me a less competitive applicant because my university prefers students who have taken more courses required for the major they’re applying to and I’m a semester behind because of this. During this time, I got an official diagnose for major depressive disorder and other specified personality disorder, so my mental health problems are real and not because I just think I have some. I really feel like I should briefly mention this in my essay since I need to bring up why I took only one class last semester. Should I do this or is this a bad move? Any advice is appreciated.
Why don’t you knock out the requirements first
Agree with @ClarinetDad16 . And mentioning a personality disorder is likely unhelpful.
Because I have already. All that’s left is completing my essay.