Should I buy Both Direct Hits books?

<p>Should I buy Both Direct Hits books? I'm going to buy the more advanced one, idk if the first is worth buying.</p>


<p>ppl are going to say yeah…</p>

<p>yea - i think its totally worth buying both.</p>

<p>I don’t get why people don’t buy both… theyre totally different -__-
One is for level 3 and 4 questions, and the other is for the level 5 or harder questions. None of the words overlap, so if you don;t want to maximize your score, than buy one.
But if you want to maximize your score, BUY BOTH!</p>

<p>are there version differences?</p>

<p>What do you mean by ‘version differences’?
The two volumes aren’t differnent editions (they are different volumes) , each with its own 200 words.</p>