Should I call for AP scores?

<p>I want to find out my AP scores for Bio and US History. Should I use $8 to find them out or should I wait? I was looking around the forums and I saw that some Northern California people got them already. When does Southern California get them?</p>

<p>wait.... it's only a couple of days away or even less than that. I'm from Kansas, and I probably won't get mine until the end of the're lucky</p>

<p>Is it true that SoCal will get them in a few days? I hope I get them soon. The College Board messed up on my AP Music Theory test last year and they lost my sight singing portion. Hopefully, I'll just get scores this year and possibly get a 3 or higher.</p>

<p>Yea. If you live in Cali, you will probably get them within the next few days, possibly tomorrow. Every year, I get my scores on Saturday, regardless of what test I take (ACT or AP). It's kinda weird; I just want a 3+</p>

<p>Good luck! What tests did you take?</p>

<p>Hopefully, I got a 2 on AP bio because I don't think I did well on it.
I think I got a 4 on APUSH.</p>

<p>I'm sure you did better than you think (; I just took AP Calculus this year, and I'm expecting a 3; I really want a 4 though. I took APUSH last year and ended up with a 3. I wasn't terribly disappointed, but I know I could have done better if the proctor didn't call the time wrong! Oh well...still got me credit, and that's what matters.</p>