<p>Did anyone here receive a letter and an application form National American Miss? Even if you didn't, I just want to ask some questions, because I just got one today. My mom told me that I shouldn't apply for it because I'm too short (5' 1'') and that I have to pay for it (Come on. Twenty bucks to register). The scholarship stuff doesn't convince her, since my parents are adamant on sending me to crappy UTSA (And I'm a freshman with an unweighted GPA rank of 2/466 and I currently hold a 98.8 unweighted average with the hardest coarseload available. They're sick of my wanting to go HYP or Rice and have tried to stop me from doing ECs earlier this year until teachers intervened). I can sing really well, and I don't think I'm totally ugly. Is it worth it to do this? I'm from Texas by the way. And my mom got that notion about being tall from her friend's daughter who also participated in it and ended up at Texas A&M. And no, I'm not being really intense or psycho about college. I just want to know what benefits I'd get from participating in the pageant, and if my height would automatically kick me out. And my parents aren't the wealthiest, meaning that I was never in dance/piano/violin and all those marvelous things. I am a kick-*** writer and debater though, from recent experience.</p>