Should I even apply?


<p>Residence: South Carolina
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Income (family of 3 children, 2 dependent and both in college): ~$145,000</p>


<p>Rank: School does not rank
GPA: ~4.6 unweighted, ~4.0 weighted
ACT: 35 Composite (36 English, 32 Math, 36 Science, 36 Reading)
ACT Writing: 12/12
AP: (not many available at school)
9th Grade: --
10th Grade: AP Euro (5)
11th Grade: AP US (?),
12th Grade: AP Psych (?), AP Eng (?), AP Stat (?), AP US Gov./Politics (?)
9th Grade: English 1, Biology, Geometry
10th Grade: American Literature, Chemistry, Algebra 2
11th Grade: French III
12th Grade: (?)</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars </p>

<p>Yearbook page designer 9th and 11th grade; editor 12th grade
Played JV Soccer 10th grade
NHS Member
Beta Club Member
^150+ volunteer hours
Class President 9th and 11th grade; 2nd place for President in 10th
Student Body President 12th grade
Accepted to and attending Davidson College summer program</p>

<p>*ALSO: I am type 1 diabetic and have mental health problems; will this help at all?</p>

<p>You should definitely apply, you have a really strong chance. Great grades, nice test scores, and leadership positions, you have a fantastic shot. Granted, its still a 11% acceptance rate, so I’m not guaranteeing your admission, but you’d definitely be in that top tier of applicants. If its your top choice, consider ED, if not, you’ll be a solid RD candidate.</p>

<p>P.S. I have really good recommendations and essay</p>

<p>In response to the question in the OP: yes, you should apply. As patriotsfan points out, a 12% acceptance rate is always a challenge but your scores are definitely in the range.</p>

<p>Since your school does not offer many AP classes, you might consider self-studying for a couple. Another possibility might be to take classes at a local community college.</p>

<p>Your ECs also appear a bit light. THe Yearbook is great, but be sure to describe everything you did with it. Similarly, Student Council might be a strong positive if you can point to specific accomplishments resulting from your efforts. Unfortunately at some schools, Student Council exists merely to give students another title for their applications without requiring any time or effort. Without substantiation, adcoms will assume that your school falls into this category.</p>

<p>RD or ED? Trinity or Pratt?</p>

<p>Either. And Trinity</p>

<p>Ya if you can make your ECs sound interesting/do just a little more I think you’ve got really solid chances, but like we have mentioned the RD acceptance rate makes things unpredictable to some extent.</p>

<p>I might be wrong but your mental problems may actually help your chances</p>

<p>What do you mean by either?</p>

<p>Definitely! Duke looks at how many APs your school has compared to how many you took. They want to see that you took what was offered.</p>