Should I even bother studying for SAT & ACT? I'm trying to get into Texas A&M

<p>I'm trying to get into Texas A&M, but I'm not in the top 10% (top 15% is what I am in), my SAT score I estimate should be around 1550-1650, with little to no preparation. I'm coming from a school where avg. SAT score is about a 1450. I know I my application would not shine to A&M, because I have no ec, am I outside the top 10%, and raising my critical reading to a 650 would be pretty freaking difficult. I could also get in if I do very well on the ACT, but I've never taken a practice ACT, so I do not know what it is like (I do have a prep book however).</p>

<p>I actually bought the blue book, Barron's SAT, and some other good ACT prep book as well. I was planning to study about 90 minutes or more everyday for 2 months for the SAT, and then do the same for the ACT after taking the SAT. However, do you think improving my critical reading by about 200 points is really possible in a couple of months?</p>

<p>I'm more than willing to put in the work, but I have another option! I am currently a high school junior, and if I transfer schools within the next 2 weeks or so (before the new 9 weeks begin and before the current 9 weeks end), I should be able to easily land inside the top 10% at some far less competitive school. In other words, a really "dumb" school. This school is right by my house, but it is not in my district. I do have an address to use though.</p>

<p>I actually do not want to switch schools, but if this will ensure my acceptance into Texas A&M, then I am more than wiling to do so. Anyway, what do you think? Do you think I can get a 30 on my ACT or a 1300 ( Math & CR combined) on the SAT, or should I really consider transferring if I want to ensure my acceptance into A&M? </p>

<p>Irrelevant, but Texas Tech is my backup school right and I am trying to get into a Petroleum Engineering program at either schools, and of course, preferably at A&M.</p>