Should I even try?

<p>I want to get into the College of Engineering at Vtech, but I feel like my chances for getting in is very slim. Please be brutally honest because I want to know if I should even try or aim for something else. </p>

-Asian/Pacific Islander
-Gpa: 3.2(weighted, I know it's really low because I had some family issues that occurred during my freshman yr that affected me deeply)
-SAT: 2090 (most likely going to take 2 more times)</p>

<p>Classes I took
Freshman yr:
-IGSCE English
-IGSCE Spanish 2
-World History

-AP Euro
-Pre-AP Spanish 3
-Algebra II
-Web Design/Multimedia

-AP Eng
-AP Spanish V
-IT Database (dual-enrolled)
-IT CIW (dual-enrolled, received certifications)</p>

-AP Eng
-AP Calc
-AP Psychology
-IT Adv Database (dual-enrolled)
-IT Adv CIW (dual-enrolled)
-IT Programming (dual-enrolled)</p>

-AP Government&Politics</p>

<p>As far as the senior classes goes, I might change a couple. Would it look better if I switch psychology to robotics?</p>

<p>yeah you have a shot. it may be a reach for engineering. but for other departments, you have a fair shot. dont believe all the statistics the vt prospective student website tell you.
i got in with a 3.38. and really only ONE extracurricular. i got into engineering. i also took most of my AP (8 total) classes in my senior year. </p>

<p>you should always try, cuz you never know what might happen.</p>

<p>I got into the school of engineering with a lower SAT score and significantly less challenging schedule (Weighted GPA was 3.85). I think if most of your grades that dragged down your GPA were freshman year then the admissions office would recognize the improvement (not to mention they do have essays that would give you chance to explain it). I was out of state and had two extra-curriculars. I know it’s much harder to get in for in-state students.</p>

<p>Bottom line, that strength of schedule and SAT score make it worth trying.</p>

<p>As far as the robotics course, I don’t know how that will look versus AP Psych. But if you want to be an engineer it is great experience to have.</p>

<p>you’re fine. apply right away.</p>

<p>i’m not so sure about engineering though.
maybe apply as an easy major then switch in.</p>

<p>oh also my sat was 1760. horrible i know; i dont do standardized tests. super-scored, it was 1850.</p>

<p>VT only looks at CR and M scores, they do not include W in your “SAT Score”. I think you have a good chance at getting in.</p>

<p>I have a few more questions, if you don’t mind my asking (sorry if it feels like I am bombarding you guys with a whole bunch of questions). </p>

<p>Should I take robotics instead of psychology and would that show the admissions office how dedicated I am to the path of engineering, or would it not matter at all?
Also, if I get denied from engineering, is my application fully denied or can I appeal to an easier major? Would a sibling who currently attend tech count as legacy? Should I do early decision or wait?</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the replies and positive feedback, everyone !
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :)</p>

<p>I don’t know much about engineering but from my personal experience with the admissions office, they look to see if you’re taking the most rigorous classes possible that your school offers. Since psychology is an AP class, it would fall under that category, so it doesnt seem like it could hurt you. Also you could get college credit for it, so that’s always a plus.</p>

<p>If you apply engineering and they don’t accept you, they’ll consider your application for University Studies, the undeclared major.</p>

<p>Having a sibling does count as legacy (I don’t think it counts for much with admission though since so many student are considered to have legacy nowadays)</p>

<p>Do early decision if Tech is no doubt, your #1 choice, and you have no concerns with financial aid or anything like that. I highly doubt they would deny you ED since your GPA isn’t totally uncompetitive, so the worst that would happen is you get deferred, and after that you can call and they can tell you what to do to strengthen your application for the regular applicant pool.</p>

<p>Everything is great but gpa is low for engineering.
Try calling tech and confirm what they do if you don’t get accepted into engineering. I think you will be put into general studies but don’t take my word.</p>