Hello. I would really like to know whether I should add the additional information. I was born and raised in Hong Kong, and I attended a local school that followed Hong Kong’s local education system. I came here to America as a sophomore and started my high school life here. Since I do not have prior credit (I was not here for freshman year), I was unable to take AP Euro (the only AP course offered in sophomore year), and I only had two honors courses that year. I got straight A’s except for a B in my english class. My grades from sophomore year actually were good enough to enroll me into the hardest courses in junior year, but my counsellor suggested me to take AP courses in my senior year because he wanted to make sure that I am having a good transition to the lifestyle and education system year as it was only my second year (junior year). He did not inform me that colleges only look at my first semester of senior year (basically junior year is the most important year), but I do not really blame him because it was part of my responsibility to know the facts too. I ended up only taking one AP course and one honors course while there were three AP courses available for me to take during my junior year. I got straight A’s for both semesters though. I am now (senior year) taking three AP courses and two honors courses (a very rigorous course load as a senior in my high school), because I am finally confident in challenging myself academically without worrying about adapting to my new life here. I am wondering whether I should write an additional essay to explain my lack of rigor in my courses in sophomore and junior year, but I am afraid that this might seem to be an excuse of not challenging myself. Can somebody please tell me your thoughts? THANK YOU!
Have your GC mention this in her rec.