Should I get a new laptop for college? Macbook Pro (no retina) from mid-2012

My current Pro runs efficiently, though my screen is a bit loose and leans back on its own from time to time. However, my major problem with this laptop is the weight, since it’s a model that still contains an internal disk drive. I’m going to be carrying this laptop with me pretty much everywhere, and I didn’t want it to be a burden. I wanted to get a macbook Air instead since it’s lighter and I don’t use much (or any really) of what makes a Macbook Pro a “pro”. However, I do have 8 gb of RAM on this laptop and I haven’t used much of it. Is it worth it to get a new laptop?

here’s a better question: would you be happier buying some other shiz with 900 bucks. if the answer is yes then nahhh.

although let me weigh in some thoughts. personally i would go with the air. you would look more stylish going to college. and it’s lighter with twice as much battery life (which is a major effing plus plus in college).

You don’t carry much in college period. So it shouldn’t be much of a hassle if that’s your only concern.

conclusion: get it for looks and battery life. if you don’t care for those two. save your money to go on a date

OH and i forgot. the macbook air price might go down soon since it is in mid-cycle. Might consider using your old computer until December and then make the switch. save those hundreds!

If your present one works fine, then use it for now and see how it goes. Then evaluate later whether u need a new one. Chances are that u will NOT have to take it to every class.

Keep it for now. Reevaluate once you’ve gotten acclimated to college life.

I see no reason to get a new laptop based on what you’re describing. It’s still a relatively light computer, and I don’t think the small weight difference would make a difference in your computer carrying habits, and your current computer still has good specs that will be more than enough for college. Save your money.