should i hold my breathe

<p>well i applied i thought my stuff fit in there standards but i got additional info (7th semester grades) now should i hold my breathe or forget it</p>

<p>first semester so far i got all b's and 1 c. but 3ap classes. </p>

work 20-25hours
1 leadership

<p>applied computer science</p>

<p>should i hold my breathe or forget it?</p>

<p>its not beyond the realm of possibility.</p>

<p>.... 5 pts if you can name that obscure movie reference</p>

<p>being asian myself, i hope you know asians arent in affirmative action anymore, and there are plenty of us at purdue. especially indians, so don't even think being asian will help in admissions. but youd prob. get in.</p>

<p>cool i mean i really wanna go here if i can afford it and if i get in ofcourse :)</p>

<p>personally i think u got as good as a shot as anyone...there are lots of dumb people at purdue with worse qualifications than you so i think u have a pretty decent chance even though asians aren't minorities. and speaking of asians not being minorities, there's only like 5.5% asians at purdue...not that high haha</p>

<p>yeah but that's still almost 2000 students...</p>