Should I include my summer school in my academic history?

<p>I took a one week summer “Law and society” workshop at Georgetown University this summer. In UC’s app, it says that we should include all schools(including summer sessions) in the academic history section, where you have to provide stuff like grading system and term type, which my one-week workshop obviously didnt have.</p>

<p>So should I include georgetown?</p>

<p>I would say no. Colleges want to know about for-credit, academic courses, not one week workshops.</p>

<p>Absolutely! (There is no reason not to.) But, it may not help much.</p>



<p>Not necessarily.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>BUMPPPPP pls! deadline approaching!!!</p>

<p>Since you didn’t get a grade on it and it’s not on your transcript then you’re not supposed to put it in the Academic History portion of the application. It would seem to be more suited in the Activities section.</p>

<p>where in the Activities section should I put it in? In the Educational Preparation Programs section?</p>

<p>Yeah that would be fine.</p>

<p>where in the Activities section should I put it in? In the Educational Preparation Programs section?</p>