should I jump from integrated math III to AP CALC AB

i understood algebra II or integrated math 2 well. it involved trig and I found it easy

integrated math 3 i had to self study and i struggled with a b minus last semester due to my teacher not teaching the topic and just giving us packets but this semester I’m breezing with an A minus ( polynomials, radicals) but I’m still self studying

im willing to self study for AP Calc but it’s just I have some trouble understanding math concepts right away

is it advisable to skip precalc


Unless the integrated math courses in your high school are accelerated to cover the material needed to be ready for calculus (usually indicated by the high school offering the top students in integrated math 3 the option to go directly to calculus), it may not be a good idea to skip precalculus, especially if you “have some trouble understanding math concepts”. is a quiz that you can try to see if you know the prerequisite material for calculus.