Should I just drop out, or do I have a chance?

<p>Ok, so here's my problem:</p>

<p>A few days before my freshman year, my father died. All throughout my freshman year of high school I was going through a great depression and my grades sucked (1.0). During my sophomore year, my selfish ass mother decides to re-marry. I was still depressed about the loss of my father and was forced to move in with my mothers new husband ...and my grades still sucked (2.2465). This year, junior year, I've been trying to get my grades up ...but I feel like it's all in vein. I mean, let's be real, I can't get accepted into ANY college with MY grades. They're pathetic.</p>

<p>My dream college was NYU, but I know sure as hell I won't get into there. So now I'm looking at my #2 choice which is Howard (NOT Harvard, but Howard) University. And I still don't really think I stand a chance. Even if I got my grades up, my GPA is retarded. This is what they'll see:</p>

<p>Freshman year: 1.0
Sophomore year: 2.2465
Junior year: (about) 3.6
I looked on the website, and Howard doesn't request transcripts from Senior year</p>

<p>So those three GPA's average at about a 2.3 </p>

<p>The average GPA for Howard is a 3.2. So in other words, I probably don't have a chance. At all.</p>

<p>I'm at the point where, now, I don't really give a **** about my life. My high school career is *<strong><em>ed up, and because of that I won't get into a good college (if ANY college) ..And because of THAT I won't get into a good Grad. School (If I go) ...and because of THAT I'll never get that high-paying job I've always dreamed of. My life is a *</em></strong>in' joke!</p>

<p>So like I said already: I just feel like make good grades this year would all be in vein. I mean, I'm probably not going to college. So I might as well just drop out and do something creative with my life or something ..I don't know, maybe modeling, maybe acting, singing. Something creative.</p>

<p>But before I make the final decision of dropping out I just want to know if you guys think I might have chances at a reputable University..</p>

<p>Here are my EC's:</p>

<p>Debate Team: Varsity - 4 years
Mock Trial: Attorney - 4 years (Outstanding Attorney Award)
DECA: Vice-President - 2 years (Nationals)
S.A.D.D.: President - 4 years
Academic Decathlon: Varsity - 2 years
Chamber Choir: Varsity Choir - 2 years
NAACP: 4 years
ACT-SO: Competitor - 4 years (Nationals)</p>

<p>Haven't taken the ACT, but I got a 32 on the PLAN Test.</p>

<p>I don't know. I think I want to major in African Studies or History. Possibly Philosophy.</p>

<p>Please don't tell me to go to community college, because I ain't doin' that.</p>

<p>What do you guys think? Should I go to the office tomorrow and sign out?</p>

<p>So I guess the answer is yes, I should drop out ..</p>

<p>Why isn't anyone replying?</p>


<p>edit- didnt read post. Why are you so agnaist county college?
And dropping out of highschool is by far the stupidest thing you could ever do.</p>

<p>You seem like a good student and with good grades at a county college you could defiantly get into a decent school.</p>

<p>Don't take people not replying right off the bat as a personal
offense against you; I had to wait a couple days and a few bumps for people
to chance my thread (which is long gone in the later pages by now lol)...</p>

<p>Anyway, all I can say is, I'm sorry about all the stuff you've been through :(
As a fellow hs student, I'm not familiar with Howard Univ., so I'll leave the
chancing to someone else </p>

<p>Gl whatever happens</p>

<p>Er, I think I've replied to threads of yours when you had a different username, but here goes, anyways. </p>

<p>Howard University's average admitted GPA of 3.2 really isn't extremely high -- keep in mind that it's an average. I think that your extenuating circumstances would help account for your lower GPA. </p>

<p>But if you didn't get in, there would be nothing wrong with going to a community college for two years and then transferring. Going to a CC would let you stat with a clean slate. SOOO many people work their ways up from CCs to even Ivy League schools, because thriving at a community college can really show a lot about you that your HS GPA would not. </p>

<p>People need to stop having such elitist views about CCs, honestly. I was shocked to see that three of my casual friends ended up at our local community college this year, because they are excellent writers and (I assume) did fairly well in high school. Then I realized that I was being dumb -- community college is entirely practical and a really good idea in a lot of cases.</p>

<p>Actually, of the two smartest college-age people I know, one goes to a CC and one to a state school. <em>shrugs</em> It's hard for me to shrug off the "omg must go to a top 50 school" mindset, but in the grand scheme of things, going to a top 5 school for UNDERGRAD isn't gonna make your life vastly better than going to a CC and then transferring to such a school.</p>

<p>Also, I'm very sorry about your loss, and I wish the best to you in the future.</p>

<p>Make sure your counselor corroborates your account :)</p>

<p>Well you've had to endure a lot through your high school's definitely one of the toughest stories I've encountered..But you should try as hard as you can this year, try to get a near perfect GPA, don't think you can't get a 4.0...just work hard man. Most colleges would be more apt to accept you if they saw your GPA go from a 1 to a 2.26 to a 4.0...If you can write a college essay that truly reflects the enduring circumstances that you've had to stand against throughout your high school years, then you can stand out as a unique and brilliant applicant...I know I'm sounding too optimistic, but in my description of your potentiality, I am nothing short of real. Just try hard, and also aim for a high SAT/ACT Score. Right now you're at a 31....get a 35..</p>

<p>Have you ever heard the quote: "Aim for the moon you'll land in the stars?"</p>

<p>Well..I deem that quote as utter ********; you won't land at a higher place then where you aim for...but I believe that "If you aim for the stars, you'll definitely land amongst the stars." AIM HIGH, you wont reach for what you aim, but you'll be near it. </p>

<p>Just don't give up...I wish you the best of luck in your Junior Year..and don't forget your E.C.s</p>


<p>Hey, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. My mom passed away before my sophomore year, so I can kind of relate. But dropping out would be the worst thing you could ever do. Take the ACT, keep your grades up now, and continue to be involved in extracurricular activites. You can always try and explain your circumstances one the application process starts (I'm in the process of it right now). And, if it comes down to it, community college isn't terrible. Just don't give up, and remember that it's your life, and you'll have to live with the consequences of the choices you make now. Good luck!</p>

<p>Don’t give up!!!</p>

<p>Colleges understand about circumstances like these, and seriously, a community college in this situation wouldn’t be a bad idea. You could always kick arse there and THEN transfer to Howard/NYU/the like and do whatever you want.<br>
Dropping out would suck even more than your current life does at this point. Hang in there!!</p>

<p>First of all, I’m very sorry about your losses and difficulties. I really couldn’t imagine. ]: But as the above poster said, DO NOT GIVE UP. There is a reason why most universities require an essay and have a separate section to explain extenuating circumstances. You could definitely use both to your advantage. I don’t think you’ll get into an Ivy League school or anything, but a strong essay could probably get you into a state school. Also, if you get in the 30s on your ACT, it will also be an indication that you’ve got the brains to go to that school and that your GPA is not a true reflection of your potential. I just checked the stats for Howard University - approximately 5% of last year’s freshman class had a high school GPA of 2.0 - 2.49. So they will NOT automatically discount you because you have a 2.3! Take the ACT, apply, demonstrate interest, and write a strong essay. You said your dream school is NYU - you don’t have to give up on it, either. Apply there also. If you get rejected, work hard at Howard or a local community college for a year or two and then apply as a transfer. Anything is better than dropping out of high school, however.</p>