Should I make hotel reservations now?

<p>I booked a room for Aug 7 - 11 with easy cancellation. She’ll be moving into Honors Housing and hopefully going to AA or OA beforehand. Thanks for all your info!! I would be absolutely LOST without this forum!</p>

<p>Whenever you have for sure dates get the hotel ASAP!! Otherwise you might be spending your nights I towns about 40 minutes away.</p>

<p>Also, my husband and I actually liked staying in the dorm for Bama Bound. It will probably be the only time you will get to stay on campus, relive college days and never have to worry about being late to any of the events. We liked walking around campus at all times too.</p>

<p>We stayed In RCS for Bama Bound The kids were in one tower, parents in the other.</p>

<p>We had two rooms in a four person suite and no one was assigned to the other two rooms…but we never knew whether someone would walk in, so we were uncomfortable getting comfortable…particularly since DH hated the mattress because it killed his back, so he tried sleeping on the sofa, but ended up putting his mattress on the floor.</p>

<p>It was noisy since we looked down on the entrance…</p>

<p>The good part was that DD dropped in several times. That was about it.</p>

<p>Be wary of making your reservations through Priceline or similar during high profile events. I’ve read horror stories of reservations through third party sites not being honored. I’ve had great results going directly to the hotel chain websites. Just a heads up! </p>

<p>Whem my son attended BB he stayed in the dorm and we stayed in a hotel. While I wish I had been able to have more interaction with other parents, I was very happy to have a comfortable bed, tv, etc… While at BB there was one evening when there was a parent social held in a room at RCS. I was able to meet a few parents there. Hopefully that event will be held again this year. Might be a good time for CCers to meet up! :)</p>

<p>When will move In be for rushing fraternities?</p>

<p>Yes, the mattresses in the dorms are not “middle-aged-worthy”. Even for college-aged, many will add memory-foam mattress toppers for their daily use during the school year.</p>

<p>If you have any kind of back issues, you may not sleep well on a dorm bed. </p>

<p>“Be wary of making your reservations through Priceline or similar during high profile events. I’ve read horror stories of reservations through third party sites not being honored. I’ve had great results going directly to the hotel chain websites. Just a heads up!”</p>

<p>yes, we had this happen to us one year. We booked a game-day weekend at a popular hotel several months in advance. Then in July, we were contacted and told that the price was now doubled and we had to pay or lose the reservation. I can’t remember if we had used or Expedia, but it was annoying.</p>