Should I Report a Teacher?

DaedricSaiyan, why didn’t you study harder to get a 5? There are plenty of books available. Some students get 5’s without even taking a class.

@amy989 Yes, it is quite possible that we look down upon this teacher, but we never express it openly, and today everyone in my period basically expressed his hatred towards him when he gave back the tests today. On his test, he marked everyone’s test wrong saying phenotype is the same as genotype like he’s a biology teacher or something. Everyone took biology already and argued for the point. Honestly, as much as we look down upon him, we never express it openly towards him, any other students, or teachers as we believe that as much as we are human to look down upon someone, it doesn’t give us the right to openly disgrace him, recently, we’ve been the least talkative and we all agreed to be as well-behaved as possible. It still hasn’t done much.

OK, so you can look down on him, and express your hatred towards him, because you’re human. You’ve recently decided to be the least talkative and to behave well.

In an AP class. That’s meant for college credit.

But he’s supposed to like you and respect you, simply because he’s the teacher.

Is that pretty much it?

I think he’s probably pretty disgusted with a college level class that has to agree to be well behaved, and with the poor manner to express their hatred to him. If he tried to do the same, I bet the roar of the helicopter rotors would be deafening.

He was assigned to teach a college level course to a group of kids without the maturity to behave correctly.

He may or may not be a good teacher. But I’m very glad I don’t have to teach you and your friends.

Of course, what bjkmom and lostaccount are saying will go right over the heads of many hs kids.

OP, sorry about this, but you’re facing a challenge and reacting emotionally. And with such certainty it’s all on the other guy. Then you want to “tell on him.” It seems that your topper is that some other teacher does it differently, as if that seals the deal. And that your friends are also reacting emotionally so you seem to think you have strength in numbers-? And maybe, well, of course, you and these friends are Asian, so that’s got to be it, eh?

Keep your nose clean, give the course the right attention, in class and at home, treat the teacher with respect…and buy an AP study book for the test. Maybe move where you sit away from these other “haters.” This is one moment in time and how you take on your responsibilities is a life lesson.

You probably express looking down on this teacher more than you think. He may be a terrible teacher but at least it’s an AP class so you can learn the material on your own by studying the AP books. When you get to college you will have the option to change classes if you don’t like a professor - unfortunately it’s not like that in high school. I would try to be less high school like and stop talking in class. Show up and just do the work.

If it helps you and your friends to focus on what is important: you need to do well in this class for your college chances. your teacher needs his job to feed his family. Don’t make life harder for the man. Just do the work, get what you need and move on to the next grade, ok?

I agree with everything HRSMom just said.

Be nice, do your best and move on.

I’m sure OP realizes by now what he/she has done wrong. But some of you guys are being incredibly rude right now. “I’m glad I don’t have to teach you or your friends”

Really? Come on now. This kind of behavior only encourages things to go “Right over our heads”.

The hypocrisy in this post is unreal. And I am not talking about OP either.


Most of these guys are parents or teachers. What did you expect?

As for OP, I’m sure he’s learned his lesson now. He’s in the wrong, but I find it funny how some of these posters are saying that he’s belittling the teacher while they themselves are belittling OP.

You are going to deal with these types of people in the real life, OP. If a teacher does something wrong or bad, that teacher should lose his/her job despite needing to feed a family. There are too many unqualified teachers who still have jobs despite numerous complaints.


I expected them to be grown adults, not stoop down to the same level lol. Oh well, I guess a keyboard and computer throw those things out the window.

Wise folks of any age view from many perspectives. They don’t assume any one telling is necessarily the only view. Nor set up false dichotomies between age groups.


I agree. My comment was supposed to be more of a jab to that comment “HS students wouldn’t understand what bjkmom said”. I really found that condescending and overall frustrating. Same with the “I’m glad you’re not my students”. I recognize that what I said may have been hypocritical, but I was using it for more of a comedic effect.

I don’t see how saying “I’m glad you’re not my student” contributes to the conversation at all. What perspective might that be?


I said something different. And it wasnt that hs kids wouldn’t understand. But I am surprised by reactions here. What do you know about what happened? And are you being rational?


What are you even saying? I was pointing out why bjkmom’s post was deconstructive. This has nothing to do with your original post. I was questioning why you were seemingly defending her(bjkmom’s) post as just another ‘perspective’ when it really brings nothing useful.

So I don’t know what my rationality has to do with this.


Can this thread be closed?