I took it twice now. The first time in February, and the second time a couple weeks ago in June.
February 2015:
C: 32
June 2015:
Even though math is both my favorite and best subject, I did pretty bad on the first one. It was because I spent way to much time on a question that I should have known, and it was driving me crazy to figure it out. Before I knew it I had only 15 minutes left to do like the last 20 questions, so I was rushing like crazy and straight up guessing.
The second time I took it, I was way more conscientious of my time and it obviously paid off. However, I thought the reading section of the June 2015 was very hard in comparison and I went down two points.
The thing is, (and hindsight is 20/20), I didn’t study for either of them. On the rare occasions I did, it was really only the english and some math. The only thing I even learned was to choose the shortest answer in English when you don’t know the answer.
I read that you only should take it twice, but if I study my butt off for the next test, do you think I should take it a third time, and if so do you think I could raise my score?