Should I retake the ACT?

My first test last December I got 26. In April I got 31(28 E 29 M 33 R and 35 S). I retook in June and got a 29(30 E 30 M 29 R and 28S). I just got October scores back and got a 30 (31 E 32 M 29 R and 28 S). I really really want a 32 for the presidential but I don’t know if I’ll get it. I’ll probably need to sign up for a class or tutor because self studying isn’t working. Do you think I have the chance to go up since my scores are so varied or should I just stick with the 2/3 tuition and call it a day. I am passed the registration deadline so it will cost $70 to take.

Just speaking as a parent, if you commit to a plan for paid one on one tutoring to prep before taking it, then it might be worthwhile to take one more time! In my opinion, I believe most of the prep classes I have heard about would not be as helpful at this point, since you have taken it so many times, you are familiar with the format and the question types, etc… What do your parents say? My daughter’s score went up 2 points with tutoring for a month.

@2kidsinky my parents don’t think I need to take it again.thry said they can afford Alabama and that I have done my part getting a 30+. It is just so frustrating to know that I am missing out on $36,000 because of ONESTUPID POINT!!!

Call it a day and live with it. The hour is very late to move these stats.

@aeromom I know the chance i go up I should so slim but I am the type that will beat myself up on this Til I graduate.

It’s only the registration fee versus 1/3 tuition. Study for the category you are weakest in, relax and take the test. If you get the 32, perhaps your parents will put that money toward graduate school (or something else).

@robotbldmom yeah I know we could use the money towards grad school but both of my parents are telling me not to worry about. My mom telling to me take the October act was the whole reason I did. I appreciate everyone’s advice but I don’t think I’ll take it. Also, my subscores are so weird I don’t know what my weakest one is.

I’d say take it. My daughter moved her score from a 31 to a 33 on her last attempt. She hadn’t done any extra prep - it just turned out that the particular test she took that day played to her strengths. She didn’t get a subscore higher than any she’d gotten before, but she got them all at the same sitting, which was huge. Her subscores had fluctuated greatly on her prior attempts.

@BethsMom how many times did she take it?

Five. One 30, three 31s and a 33, with wildly fluctuating subscores. She kept taking it to try to get the 32 for the Presidential. She didn’t need the Presidential to attend, but she was determined to get it.

Take it, your financial position will be no worse if you don’t score a 32, since your parents say not to worry. However, if you do score a 32, it will have been worth the few extra hours of testing and prep time. That’s just my opinion.

Take it one last time. You only have the fee to lose. My D took it 3 times. First 2 she did not prep at all-30 and 31. Last one in September she took 7 practice tests and got a 33! We could afford Alabama at the 2/3 tuition, but the 33 makes it so much easier for us and her.

Are you planning to attend U of A? If so, taking a course or working with a tutor (which costs $) may be worthwhile. However, most research says taking it more than 3 times doesn’t lead to appreciable change in scores.

Ok thanks everyone. I’m considering taking it again. I know I don’t have much to lose, but this will be my fifth time taking it. I got my highest score on my second try so what is the chance even that my score goes up?

Then don’t. Agree 5 times is too much. Your parents are fine with the 2/3 scholarship. Its your call. If you plan to take it again, then spend the $$ and prep for it with help. Work on strategy, not just content.

Every test is different, the next one may play to your strengths. My advice is get a good night’s rest, go in fresh and relaxed, remember you don’t Need the extra dollars ( because of your parent’s willingness to pay). Therefore, your stress level may be lower. Since, you have already taken the test, you know what to expect. Just do your best. Good Luck and Roll Tide!

@robotbldmom I took the last two tests with that mindset and i didn’t worse. I appreciate all the advice from everyone.

Let us know what happen if you decide to retake the test :slight_smile:

My nephew took the ACT eight times. The first time he made a 24. The eighth time he made a 34. He was having trouble finishing. The late registration deadline for the December test is Nov. 18. It can’t hurt. For the score to be eligible for Alabama scholarship purposes you need to have the school listed at the time you take the exam. There may not be enough time for you to see your score and then have the report sent.