should i send in my gre scores?

<p>So I recently got admitted to Arizona State based on only my transcript, resume, personal statement, and GRE scores (I applied to the master's of engineering program in civil engineering).</p>

<p>However I really want to go to Ohio State U for an M.S. They required my transcript, personal statement, and three recommendations but no GRE scores.</p>

<p>I was wondering, if i send in my GRE scores, which were M 780/ V 420/ W 5.0, would it be beneficial to notify them of these scores or detrimental.</p>

<p>I have a 3.07 GPA from a top-tier private school in civil engineering. The only flaw as of recently is I got a D in one of my graduate courses (but got a 3.0 in that semester because I did really well in my ohter classes) and I withdrew from two classes altogether.</p>

<p>What do you think I should do with my GRE scores?</p>

<p>BTW, those recommendations should be strong and my personal statement was written well.</p>

<p>generally if you apply for MS in Engineering you should send in your score. I’m kind of surprise they don’t require a GRE…</p>

<p>Should not be surprised…it is Ohio State we’re talking about.</p>

<p>I think those scores are good for your application. not an insider but I think the M is the important one. your V is bit lowish but likely not too important, great W for you, which is supposed to measure analytic skill. If you were my kid, I’d say send it in. Sorry, not a professional opinion.</p>

<p>Are GRE scores “recommended but not required”? Or “optional”? Or does the web site say something like “GRE not required”? If it’s the first two, send them. If it’s the third, I’m not sure I’d send it, just because they’re likely to only glance at them before tossing them aside. The adcom is also unlikely to have a reference point if they normally don’t look at GRE scores; they won’t know what their current students have (or would have) scored. </p>

<p>The scores won’t hurt your application. But will they help?</p>