<p>I'm applying to Georgetown, which doesn't look at SAT writing or the ACT Essay, and am wondering which score would be in my best interest to send.</p>
<p>1450/1600 SAT
33 ACT</p>
<p>I'm applying to Georgetown, which doesn't look at SAT writing or the ACT Essay, and am wondering which score would be in my best interest to send.</p>
<p>1450/1600 SAT
33 ACT</p>
<p>Send the ACT–it’s higher.</p>
<p>Actually they’re basically exactly the same</p>
<p>[ACT-SAT</a> Concordance](<a href=“http://www.act.org/aap/concordance/]ACT-SAT”>The ACT Test for Students | ACT)</p>
<p>Sorry–I used Wikipedia.</p>
<p>I know, Wikipedia is the most wonderful source in the world… :)</p>