Should I stay an extra year in college to take CS courses?

I am a senior biology major who could graduate this semester, but is considering staying another year to take 2 or more CS courses. I would try to do a minor but I would need seven courses in total and it is very difficult for non majors to get into these courses so even if I attempted the minor, I might not finish it. I am also hoping that I can get an internship somehow. Will it improve my ability to be employed if there are CS courses on my resume? Do you guys think it is worth it?

princeNothing, it depends on what you are trying to do by taking CS courses, and how clearly you can articulate it in an internship or job seeking situation.

Are you looking to go into computational biology, or gene mapping, or something where say a programming capability would be important, for example? I can imagine reasons why one would want to do something like this but imho, it would need to be associated with something specific and compelling to make an impression, if you are staying longer to graduate.

What CS courses are you thinking about, and why?