Should I Transfer Here?

I am currently finishing my first semester at Penn State (Main Campus) summer session. During my college search and application process last year, I fell in love with The University of Alabama. When I walked on campus, I got the feeling that people say you get when you find the college you are supposed to be at. I am from New York and my parents were not happy at all when I expressed interest in Bama. I finally convinced them to take a trip down when I was admitted, and while they were pleasantly surprised, they were still not on board. I was then admitted to UGA, Indiana, and Penn State which they view as more prestigious universities. When I got into UGA they thought it was perfect because it was a southern school and better academically recognized than Bama. We toured and it just wasn’t as welcoming to an out of stater as Alabama was. After touring and coming to the conclusion UGA want for me, I started talking about Bama again. They sort of gave up and said I could do whatever I want, but i wanted them to be proud of where I was going and everyone around me looked at me like I had 10 heads when I said I was between Bama and PSU. Ultimately I chose Penn State because of what everyone around me said, the Alumni in New York City, and to make my parents proud of me. I really like Penn State and I have made a bunch of friends, but I still never stop thinking that I am at the wrong school. It makes so much more sense than Alabama on paper, but are these two schools really much different academically? Will I really be able to get a Job in NYC easier with my PSU degree than a Bama one? I realize that you choose a school for academics first, but would it be a bad idea to transfer to Alabama spring semester from here if I’m still feeling this way? I would definitely join a fraternity so I wouldn’t be worried about making friends so much; I am just looking for suggestions on wether I’m better off staying put of transferring to UA

Good luck to you, m8118m! You will hear some sound advice on this board! What do you plan to major in and do you definitely plan to / want to start your career in New York City?

Thank You! I plan to major in Business… I think marketing, but I’m still exploring the business majors. I definitely want to start in NYC because all my family lives here and I want to stay close to them when I am older.

If you’re happy at Penn State and you’ve made friends there, I’d probably stay put. I say this even though my daughter is a rising senior at Alabama and absolutely loves it there. Penn State probably has more name recognition in NYC, too.

This is a tough one. Coming from New York, you’re paying OOS tuition at either school. What’s the difference in cost between the two schools for your family?

I’ve been told by Bama grads that there is a strong alumni presence in both NYC and DC, but I have no idea if it can compete with Penn State’s connections. I live in PA and my son was accepted to both schools, but Bama was actually much more affordable for us due to merit scholarships, so when he preferred it over Penn State it was a fairly painless decision. I don’t think either school is considered all that “prestigious” in NYC either, frankly. What you major in and your GPA and resume will mean more than the name of either school. It’s not like we’re talking about the difference between Bama and Penn (Wharton) for business. Smeal is well-regarded, but some of Bama’s business programs are highly regarded too.

Have you already joined a fraternity at PSU? I don’t know how hard it is for transfer students to go Greek at Bama. Maybe somebody else can address that for you.

I think I remember you. Did you used to have a different screenname?

What are your parents saying about paying for Bama. I think before you had a scholarship as an incoming frosh.

Nope. Funny that someone was in a similar situation as me though… The cost is still out of states it doesn’t make much of a difference although Bama is cheaper

Yes. someone was in the exact same situation.

Well, since cost doesn’t matter, transfer if you want. :slight_smile:


That said, I wouldn’t transfer unless you hate Penn State. My daughter is a rising junior @ Bama and my son moves into his freshman dorm @ Bama on Friday. We are OOS, but my wife’s influence is strong. She’s from Alabama and is a proud Bama grad.

Love Bama, but I look at transferring as a solution to a bad experience or finding a unique major.