Should I use compounds on the common app essay and writing supplements?

I have always been told to never use compounds like wouldn’t, instead just say would not. However, I am going over the word limit on my common app essay and writing supplements. Should I use compounds or is it better to try to shorten it by other ways like removing lesser important stuff?

I’d use the compounds. No one will discredit you, and it might even make you sound more relateable

I think you mean contractions, but I actually recommend them. It makes the essay seem to be more in your “voice.”

yeah contractions that’s what I meant lol

It’s completely fine to use contractions! These are personal essays and probably not as formal as most of what you’ve written for your English classes.

I’ve got to admit, though, that there are some contractions that simply sound too casual to my ears. I’ve suggested that people take out “would’ve” and “could’ve.”

If using contractions is within your writing style, I don’t see much of a problem using it.

However, do not use “could of,” “should of,” or any of the other incorrect phrases that too many young ones use nowadays.