Should I write a college essay?

I applied to this college recently, although I’m not very confident that i’ll get in. My GPA is like a 3.0 and I have long forgotten my SAT/ACT scores. I’m thinking about writing an essay because that’s all I can really do in this situation if I want to deter their decision. Does anyone know if this would be really helpful or a waste of time. I’m not a freshmen, I’m a transfer student and unlike the freshman application, nothing about a college essay was even mentioned.

You can’t definitely write an essay as a transfer explaining your situation. Is your high school GPA a 3.0 or is that your college GPA? Depending on what college you are coming from, you might get in. It is much easier to get in as a transfer than as a freshman. There is no harm in doing it.

You should use the transfer application process outlined here: