<p>for the section on common app where it asks about siblings, do i just put when they are expected to graduate?</p>
<p>I would assume so, because that’s what I did.</p>
<p>or can you leave the end date blank, indicating they are still in college?</p>
<p>my sister attended community college for fall quarter 07’-08’ and didn’t attend winter or spring quarter 07’-08’</p>
<p>she then attended fall quarter 08’-09’ and now shes not planning on continuing to winter or spring quarter 08’-09’ either.</p>
<p>the classes she took i think were just pre-req’s and introductory courses…</p>
<p>so when i list her, should i even bother listing her attendance at the CC although she didn’t fully attend nor was a degree candidate. </p>
<p>should i just list her as a high school graduate and nothing more?</p>