*sigh* Do I have even a slight chance at CAS?

<p>I attend one of the top Public Schools.
I'm also Asian, identify as LGBT, and I'm low income.</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
All Honor Courses - Straight A's</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
All Honor Courses - Three B's</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Calculus, APUSH, rest Honor Courses - Three B's</p>

<p>Senior Year Course Load:
4 APS, 1 Honors</p>

<p>GPA: 3.6 Unweighted, 3.96 Weighted</p>

2000 Super Score - 700 Biology - 800 Math II
32 ACT</p>

4 Years of Cross Country
3 Years of Track
Editor in School Newspaper
Leader in Volunteer Club
Over 200 Hours in Community Service
GSA- Allies</p>

I speak four languages (English, Chinese (Cantonese), Lao, and Spanish)
National History Day 1st Place in City, 3rd Place at States
I received the Presidential Service Award Bronze.
I volunteer at a Day Care for Mentally Challenged kids.
I also volunteer at my local hospital/library.
I will be doing a Biomedical program at Penn this summer.</p>

<p><strong><em>I would apply ED</em></strong></p>

<p>Asian with 3.6 Unweighted GPA = 0.4% chance.</p>

<p>Low GPA and low SAT score constitutes very low chance</p>

<p>at LEAST need 3.8 gpa and 2100</p>

<p>I disagree with PerfectSATScorer (I wouldn’t trust anyone with that name, by the way). UPenn likes to recruit lower income kids from its vicinity. Plus, doing a summer program at UPenn really shows that you are interested in the school. While you are by no means a shoe-in, you do have a chance. Also, is there anyway you could not send in that SAT score? A 2000 is not really Ivy League quality, but I think a 32 on the ACT is better. One last thing- Do NOT feel pressured to apply ED unless you are absolutely positive you will be able to afford UPenn. You mentioned that you are lower income, so it might be better to just apply regular decision so you can compare Penn’s aid package to other schools.</p>

<p>If you apply ED but can’t afford UPenn’s aid offer, you can just decline it and apply RD elsewhere, but you do lose the ability to compare aid offers by applying ED.</p>

<p>Upenn is very generous with fin aid…i think the op will be able to afford it.</p>