
<p>my psat score
CR 68
math 75
writing 69
total 212
usual cut for texas 215
i missed it by one stupid math question
im so frstrated.....................
not being semifinalist looks really bad on application to ivy leagues?</p>

<p>NMSF/NMF, I believe, does not really have much importance beyond the scholarship money some schools offer for it and the prediction it offers for SAT scores.</p>

<p>In terms of Ivy-League admissions - I really doubt a low PSAT score/not making NMSF makes much difference at all. It would be extremely unfair to have one test invalidate your resume. </p>

<p>Now, if you feel your PSAT score is about as well as you can do, that might be a different story. A 2120 on the SAT is a not a bad score, per se, but it would hamper you in Ivy admissions as they have such a vast pool of applicants with 2200+ scores. However, admissions are intended to be holistic, and a less-than-average test score won’t ruin everything.</p>

<p>I imagine if an Ivy adcom noticed you didn’t make NMSF, but then noticed your 2200 SAT score, I imagine he’d think something like “I guess this guy just had a bad morning.”</p>

<p>Bottom line? I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Practice up for the SAT if you feel you need to, but don’t go crazy.</p>

that makes me feel much better
im aiming for 2250+ for SAT so yeah</p>

<p>Plenty of students don’t even take the PSAT, so how could not making NMSF be a disqualifier? Don’t worry. :-)</p>

<p>NMSF is important to certain schools but not to IVY League schools. If IVY League is your concern, you are fine.</p>