Similar Colleges

<p>What colleges or universities would you say are most similar to Tufts, academically, socially, and prestiege-wise? I'm interested in hearing what different people think.</p>

<p>Heh heh I think I know who you are but you don't know who I am.</p>

<p>i think brandeis is a bit similar in that they look almost idenitical and are 10 minutes away from one another</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Middlebury, check out some of the other NESCAC schools too</p>

<p>Wake Forest</p>

<p>I've heard lots of comparisons between Tufts and Northwestern, and Tufts and William and Mary, if that helps at all. Plus it's really similar to Ivies like Yale, Brown, and way better than Harvard hahahaha.</p>

<p>Isn't Wake Forest super conservative or am I just totally off?</p>

<p>I found Brandeis and Tufts to be very similiar. I was bouncing back and forth about which to apply to ED. I ended up picking Tufts because it is on the T.</p>

<p>Wake is a national university with plenty of liberals and conservatives. The faculty, like pretty much everywhere, lean to the left. I'd probably describe the student body as bellwether overall.</p>

<p>Thirty years ago it was a Baptist institute and the majority of its students came from North Carolina.</p>

<p>Neither is true any more . . .</p>

<p>very interesting. you learn something new everyday!</p>

<p>my high school is extremely liberal and no one applies to Wake Forest. Schools that don't get applied to from my high school are usually conservative, but this must just be a misconception! Then again, people don't apply to Princeton becuase it's too conservative... so who knows.</p>