singer decision date

<p>For those invited to the singer scholarship weekend, when do we find out if we've been given the scholarship or not?</p>

<p>There are 2 Singer weekends, end of Feb AND end of March, so I would assume April 1-ish.
(Unless they give half the awards in Feb and half in March.)</p>

<p>That's my best guess.</p>

<p>When I called, they said a few weeks after the weekend... although I don't know how much sense that makes.</p>

<p>I got an email from them today saying that this year, there will be 3 singer weekends, February, March and the begining of I doubt they'll wait till April to tell us all</p>

<p>I agree- there is no way they would wait till April !s to make their decision- after all they are just as eager to know how many will actually register and finances are a huge part of the decision.</p>

<p>By the way is there anyone that has to catch a flight out back home on Sat Feb28th- what time would be safe ? Most of the last flights on major airlines are at 6:00 pm</p>

<p>^ I went to Miami International Airport in the summer (their downtime) and it was a complete mess. It took 3+ hours to get on a regular, non-delayed flight. Idk, just warning you it might be a tight squeeze</p>

<p>Miami is one my least favorite airports because it is so congested and moves so slowly. For some reason, the security lines for international flights and domestic flights are combined (at least they were for our last flight). This means that it takes a lot longer to get through security than in Houston, for example, where international screening is separate from domestic.</p>

<p>Keep in mind on that Saturday you'll be bused back to the hotel from the school and will presumably have to get your luggage. Then, you'll have to get to the airport from the hotel. The last flight for us was 6 p.m., as well. I decided not to chance it. It might be possible to make it, but I didn't want the hassle. We're heading back Sunday a.m.</p>

<p>Many students use FLL airport. Flights are often cheaper and Southwest and Jetblue fly in/out of FLL. We always check both airports when booking.</p>

<p>What's the transportation like from FLL to the school and local hotels, if you don't want to rent a car?<br>
I thought about renting a car and trying to make the 6 p.m. flight, but renting a car in Miami is very expensive and it's a huge hassle at the Miami airport. Is renting a car easier at FLL?
This won't help us for the Singer weekend since we're already booked into MIA, but would be good info for next year.</p>