Single Dorms

Is it possible for freshmen to get single dorms? A single dorm would mean a lot to me; my entire family is two people big and I basically live by myself, and I think suddenly living with someone else on top of starting college would be too much.


@imstillagorilla If you look at the UW housing website, you can see this: “Single rooms for freshman students are primarily available in Adams, Barnard, and Tripp. Students interested in a single room should preference these halls at the top of their list.”

There is a live webinar on March 18 so you can ask more questions then.

Don’t worry if you have to share a room- it can only increase your stress levels when there’s nothing you can do for several months. Today’s college students come from smaller families and typically never had to share a room. Almost everyone else will be new to this situation also. Your stress level will be greatly decreased if your attitude is positive instead of worrying about it. You do not need to be friends with a roommate or otherwise interact socially except for common courtesies. Work on controlling your anxiety about starting college. Remember- you will be ready for UW by August even if the experience seems intimidating now. Remember being a 6th grader and a 9th grader? You were ready for the new schedule then and will be this fall.