SIR 3 UC's

This is for my younger sister who will be entering college this year.
Let me make it clear that I understand SIR multiple UC is not allowed and you will be forced to choose a school. Otherwise, you will be rescinded.
The main problem at the very moment is that today is the final day of SIR submission. My sister is currently accepted into UCSB, UCI, and UCD. Last week, she was denied access to the AB540 form for UCSB (despite the fact that she is currently taking an online high school in California). In order for her to attend the UC system, she needs the acceptance for the AB540 form in order to receive Cal Grant A. Due to the denial, she began sending emails to the admission offices about her eligibility for the AB540 in their universities. During the week, she contacted several officials and supervisors who were processing her paperwork and transcript. However, UCI and UCSB officials claim that they are unable to give her an answer at the moment. Next week, my sister was told that she will be contacted by the officials who will give her the final statement.
Since today is the final day for SIR submission, if my sister decides to wait until next week for a response, will she be rescinded before her meeting?

She has not enrolled anywhere? Has she asked for an SIR extension at all schools until this is resolved?

She needs to deposit somewhere or the schools will consider she is not interested in attending. She is considered a CA resident?