SIR'd to SLO, but may want to go to Community


I was admitted to SLO and submitted my SIR awhile back. However, I am not sure I want to attend there anymore. Will my admission get rescinded if I apply to a community college, just in case? Recent events have happened and I may want to stay close to home.

I’ve been on this forum for many years. But I don’t have any idea on what you’re asking. What does SIR’d mean? What is SLO??

Have you considered asking SLO if you can delay by a semester due to personal circumstances? If there is family illness or something, perhaps they will work with you.

No your admission will not be rescinded if you apply to a community college but it would be best if you make a decision to attend SLO or the CC sooner than later. Since you SIR’d to SLO you will lose your enrollment deposit and housing deposit. You would also have notify the schools if you are using any financial aid such as Cal grants, Pell grants etc.,
Best of luck on your decision.

SLO= Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
SIR= Statement with Intent to Register

Also, Cal Poly does not defer admission. Once you give up that admit, it will be gone. Getting in as a transfer, if you decide Cal Poly is still your best option, is more competitive. Good luck!

Another option is to begin and complete at least your first semester (or year) at SLO as scheduled, then petition to take a personal leave.

As long as you aren’t taking classes during your personal leave, you remain a student in good standing to return. The leave would give you some latitude to make the decision of moving to the CC>UC route or not, while still assuring your spot at SLO should you decide to remain.

The only hitch is that should you decide you want to apply to private schools, you’d be a transfer student which may
impact any merit aid you may have previously qualified for.
If you’re in state for the UC’s, that’s not an issue.

Good luck with your decision.

But I applaud you for thinking if going away to college right now is the right decision for you…we see many students asking about appeal letters because they had health/family issues and couldn’t do both college and deal with the issues at the same time.
But talk to your parents/trusted adult…we also see students putting off their future because they are trying to solve all the problems when they are not their problems and others in the family should be reaching out to other resources (e.g., government programs, etc.)

I think I have until August to get my full refund. I’m just really clouded in my mind right now and I can’t make my decision yet. Thank you for the feedback, I submitted my application and will give it some thought. @Gumbymom

@ccprofandmomof2 I emailed them about my options but they haven’t gotten back to me yet. It’s mostly my mental health and a whole bunch of things happened in the past month with me, and I am not sure if I can handle being away from home. It makes me feel a little bad that I achieved the top 9% in my class when I may just go to CC. I see how taking one semester would be a good option though, thank you for that.

In this case it may be best to either take a gap year/semester, start at CC, and then transfer somewhere later.
Getting your mental health in order is important.

@pizookiezzzzz I wish you the best. I agree with @bopper that getting healthy before starting any college is preferable, whether that’s a CC or SLO.