Sizeable gaps in education/employment

<p>Hi all. I'm an SMC student, aspiring to UCLA.</p>

<p>I've been looking over the UC application form recently, and have a pressing question. Will it be a problem that I've been, well... a NEET?</p>

<p>A little background: I was born in 1980, home schooled, worked part time in 2001, 2005 and 2006, enrolled in CC in 2007. During the rest of the time I pursued my own interests, possibly something I can talk about on the personal statement. I took a handful of adult ed classes before college, including one at UCLA Extension, but nothing for credit. I realize that my age makes me "non-traditional", and that I have large gaps in my school and work history.</p>

<p>My current GPA is 3.56; shooting for 3.7+ by the time I apply. I intend to transfer in my third year, with all major prep completed as of next spring. I'm in a couple of student clubs, and was elected to a rep. position in one of them, so I'll have at least those for ECs. Nonetheless, I'm concerned. Are these gaps likely to present a serious problem, and if so, could the statement be my saving grace? It took me a lot of different experiences to find my way in the world, and I value those experiences, but I don't want to come off as a slacker.</p>

<p>1st post here, long-time reader. Thanks in advance!</p>

Are these gaps likely to present a serious problem


<p>Gaps like that are extremely common for transfer students, I don't see how it would be a problem at all. Just focus on your GPA, stop worrying about this.</p>

<p>no you are fine. I left high school in 2001 and transfered to UCLA in 2006- and i had gaps in employment and etc etc etc. Just make sure to write a good personal statement, UCLA likes to see family situations and other things that impact your choices- not so much ECs though.</p>

<p>Gaps in education are not a serious problem but, must be addressed in the personal statement. I'd also recommend you contact UCLA to see if they have a representative that works with re-entry students and ask them any questions you have.</p>