Skidmore Class of 2025 -- Regular Decision

For those of you that were waitlisted, I read a great article that specified that your intended major has a lot to do with it. Comparing stats is meaningless. If 500 people applied for environmental and only 50 for psychology (obviously the numbers are to make the point only), there will be plenty of awesome environmental candidates that will not be selected. There’s nothing you could have done differently- the colleges must plan a certain number for each major- and beating yourself up over not being admitted isn’t fair to yourself. You have no control over how many people applied to your major. My daughter was accepted into Skidmore, but waitlisted for Bucknell. Based on things I had read, I thought she had a better chance of getting in Bucknell. Best wishes to everyone. I hope you find the right place for you and enjoy a somewhat “normal” freshman experience in the fall!!

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Makes sense. So what is your D’s intended major ?

I sincerely hope for & at this time expect a return to a “normal” experience in the fall !!

She is going to do education and psychology. Ultimately she’d like to be a school psychologist.


Brilliant ! Quite rewarding. Best wishes as she makes her final choice and starts the next, exciting phase :+1:


I was accepted to skidmore and waitlisted at bucknell too. :slight_smile:

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Saratoga Hilton is ok. It is right at the end of the main restaurant strip in Saratoga. Very close to the school too.

Speaking of waitlisted, does Skidmore’s WL move? According to the Common Data Set, it does not. My D was waitlisted with decent quals, but an outstanding arts submittal. She wants to study music and neuroscience, which seems very Skidmore.

Hmmmmm. Are the 2 schools similar on paper ? Again, I am thinking it has to do with the distribution of applications they recd vs. their “institutional goals” (fancy for who in the heck knows what they are looking for) including major, geographic region, gender, race, 1st gen, full pay, etc etc.

I’d pretty much throw that data out the window - this year is a bear in terms of enrollment management which is a science. I have a friend at a very prominent school who says they simply don’t have enough models to predict this hot mess !! The uncertainty of fall in-person classes is a also a looming factor. D has already said NO WAY is she going to sit in a dorm room and take classes over Zoom. She would rather defer or go elsewhere with a better shot of in-person based on school/state policies.


Just curious… For those of you admitted to Skidmore, do you think you’ll actually go?

My son was admitted, so very proud of him as this is a tough year. But the merit aid wasn’t near what other schools have offered, so this is unfortunately moving this great college further down his list.


I was stunned at the financial aid- a small fraction of what other schools offered.

FYI Bucknell is a lot harder to get into than Skidmore. Basically everyone from my HS gets into skidmore and only a few too Bucknell

Skidmore is one of my son’s top three schools, but with zero financial aid? Yikes. That may change if he goes there, for sure. :slightly_frowning_face:

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My son was accepted to Skidmore but received no merit and no financial aid. Meanwhile, Connecticut College offered him a generous merit award so he’s going to the accepted students day to give it another look. Good luck to everyone in your decision making.


This is our exact same situation! We are headed to Conn College on Wednesday for their tour. I think Conn College is a lot smarter to offer merit! Daughter is excited. :grinning:


Yup, same. He got merit from Sarah Lawrence, Emerson (for film program) and Bennington, but nothing from Bard and Skidmore so we’re going to do some drive bys and see what we think of each campus. Such a tough decision! Good luck to all!


Reading over this thread has me very puzzled! Accepted!! Grant and work study for FA but no merit. 3.5 GPA - no honors or APs until this year (2 APs and 1 honors class this year). Grades trending up from As & Bs in Freshman & Soph year to all but 1 As last year and this year. Theater, several auditioned vocal ensembles, founder of a club & camp counselor. Strong but not outstanding SATs and well written but kind of irreverent essay.

My daughter is considering Skidmore but still uncertain. If there are any Skidmore parents or current students on this thread, would you be willing to share about your experience there? Thanks.

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@soboama We Are considering Skidmore as well. After the Self-guided campus visit this past weekend, he was disappointed but then he spoke to a recent graduate on the phone (who used to do campus tours). She was so helpful in describing the warmth of the students, accessibility of professors, excellent dining hall and dorms, especially the student apartments, career counseling, on campus research opportunities. „ Favorite thing about skidmore; the community, hard to feel left out, always stuff going on you can just go to.“

I would have your student call the AO (also so nice and helpful) and ask if there is a student or graduate they could refer him/her to.

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