Skills Needed in College?

<p>You're my hero, spidygirl. =]</p>

<p>Thank you for summarizing all of those posts spideygirl! I am printing this out for my D today!</p>

<p>1) Not lying to yourself/ listening to your gut/being true to yourself (about dropping classes, making/dropping friends, how your room is set up, what clubs you are in -- YOU NEED TO BE REAL AND HONEST WITH YoURSELF AT ALL TIMES)</p>

<p>2) Study skills (google "study hack")</p>

<p>3) communication skills</p>

<p>Take pictures of your syllabi and other critical handouts and email them to yourself as attachments. If you lose these documents or leave them in your dorm and need them elsewhere, you can just grab them off the web. And you can just email them to a classmate or study group member that lost theirs.</p>

<p>Read your email multiple times per day. If you have two university accounts, read them both or have them autoforwarded to your main email account. Some schools have a main email account and then a departmental account and sometimes a senior misses the email from the department with graduation requirements and their deadlines.</p>

<p>Maintain your computer if you keep critical class files (papers, assignments, spreadsheets) on it. Make sure that you have backups and a plan if your computer dies, gets lost or stolen or refuses to start after installing one of Microsoft's service packs.</p>