Slight Move-In Glitch


<p>My D is an Honors College Ambassador and was scheduled to help with the cookout for the freshmen this year. She received an email a couple of weeks ago stating that due to the large amount of freshman Honors students (1500 this year) the cookout was no longer feasible. Instead they are assembling gift/info bags and delivering them in person to new students and their parents upon arrival in their dorm rooms.</p>

<p>My son said there is an Honors Reception Saturday afternoon, and another one Sunday afternoon based on a recent mailing he received from the honors college.</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up. I was thinking of Target to make one stop, but figured they would be sold out of trash cans. I remember grocery shopping at Publix last year and seeing a lot of household items that I brought from home. I was kicking myself for not waiting to buy them there, but I didn’t want to risk not being able to find them.</p>

<p>Yup, I help pack the welcome bags for honors freshmen for a good five hours on monday. They are being delivered this week (they started last week). So. Much. Toilet paper. I hope all yall’s freshmen enjoy them, since they don’t get a cookout!! The logistics of handling that many people were too insane to make the cookout possible, judging from the people I talked to. The receptions are different than the cookout, but you will still get the chance to meet Honors College faculty and other students.</p>

<p>Thanks for the TP Mesquite_girl!!! </p>

<p>What time and where are the 2 receptions?</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! I hadn’t realized the cookout was canceled. It’s been crazy trying to get packed and having two major family events and a mini-vacation all in 10 days! We crammed everything into August so our son would still be here…</p>

<p>Are the honors receptions mesquite referred to the same as those listed in the Week of Welcome itinerary?</p>

<p>Just saw a fb pic posted by a friend whose D is moving in today. The traffic line to get onto campus looks atrocious. Hope everyone does okay today and also hope it is cleared out for us some by 4pm…</p>

<p>It took a little while to move up in the line, but once we got to the dorm, our stuff was unloaded in about five minutes. I parked car for DD and Hubby parked in parents lot. Our only hitch was the bus he was riding back to the dorm broke down and he had to walk back.</p>

<p>We had a 1pm move in today (sun), showed up at 10 and were moved in with literally no line, then returned with the storage unit contents at 1pm again, no line at all.
Apparently, we were told, everyone moved in on sat. Will have to remember this for next year, could not have been easier! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Forgot to add our glitch, we were rear-ended in front of Denny Chimes. DSs month old car :frowning: very minor damage, cosmetic only and can wait until he’s home to repair, but still…
Thankful that was all there was to it.</p>

<p>AL we were rear-ended in Athens,GA while moving it DS #1 into UGA Law school in the car we were leaving for him!! Very frustrating. I must say the lady that hit us had progressive insurance and they provided my DS with a rental until they got the car fixed. We were also glad we were there to help take care of the details for him! Just puts a damper on the excitement of move-in…</p>