Small Pre-med schools, rural settings

Hi @SoCalDriver: Welcome to CC! We had a very similar search for D21 last year and are now back for another go-round with S23: both very high stats, 3.98/4.8ish GPAs, NMFs/mid 1500s SATs, etc. Both would be candidates for the tippy-tops, but we are full-pay but not willing/able to pay >80/yr just for undergrad, so I became an expert on merit aid at LACs. (Our budget was a max of 50K/year, so we were targeting fairly highly ranked schools which provided 1/2 tuition merit scholarships.)

I learned a ton. You can search my previous posts and replies, including this one:

Based on our family’s experience, the OP is off to a great start and there is lots of great advice here, but a few posters are off on a few things.

The first is that Carleton no longer gives a penny of merit aid other than token amount for NMF. (This changed very recently, so posters were correct about their merit aid as of just a few years ago.) What they do give is ‘need-based’ aid fairly high up into what most people would consider to be upper middle-class, although if the OP is from CA and owns two homes and a rental property, their family is unlikely to qualify. But it’s worth a shot.

Same with Colorado College: No more merit aid other than token NMF, although it sounds like that one’s already off the list. Same with Middlebury.

The schools I second as great fits are: St. Olaf (a pre-med powerhouse that punches WAY above its weight in biology), Grinnell, Whitman, Kenyon, and Denison. (I would also add UPS for anyone else reading this thread, but it sounds like the OP only wants rural schools.)These are all schools that my D21 and/or S23 considered or are considering. My kids categorically refused to look in the south (see my screen name) so I don’t know much about schools there, but I know there are some great rural LACs with good merit $ there as well.

My general advice is to:

  1. Target the midwest and south: that’s the the bulk of merit $ is found for T100 LACs.

  2. Be aware of how quickly the landscape is changing as more and more schools shift from merit to need-based aid. Things have even changed in the last two years between my D21 and S23’s search. You have to directly ask the schools what your kid can expect to receive rather than rely on older Common Data Sets.

I hope this helps. Good luck!