Small Town Girl, Big City Dreams

<p>I've always dreamed of going to college in NYC...basically it is a MUST! However I may have to rethink those dreams because of belief that I may not get into the universities because of my Highschool gpa. </p>

<p>I'll just make this really brief...and please don't think I am using my circumstances as an excuse for being lazy or getting bad grades. I know I am capable of succeeding in life and college.</p>

<p>I am a HS Senior
African American
From a small town in Texas
3.0 gpa
86 unweighted 90 weighted
1900 SAT
2 AP Courses (my school doesn't offer many) 4,3 scores
Very odd living situation that in turn affected my grades: mother is a former drug addict who suffers from mental instabilities now, low-income etc
VERY active outside of school: constantly planning volunteer events for RedCross, Environmental issues, Care Packages for soldiers etc (usually independently)
I have a part time job, to basically take care of myself and as a result my grades have suffered.
And I just want to know my chances of getting into Fordham University or even Barnard??</p>

<p>Your best bet is to apply for these colleges and some safeties. No one on this forum can truly tell you what you are able to accomplish with your essays and other powerful subjective factors (including God). I think you know that it’ll be tough for you more so because of your grades, so do a good job with your essays–consider explaining your circumstances and how its has impacted your perspective in your essays or additional info section of the common app. I see you getting into Barnard less easily than Fordham…the only other colleges that are in NYC, reputable and fitting of your GPA that I know of would be CUNYs</p>

<p>Again apply for some safeties and maybe even consider some schools in other big cities…Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Boston… especially Chicago lol…definitely much cleaner and beautiful than that other city you want to go to…better pizza as well…tallest skyscraper in the U.S…nice neighborhoods…basically that other city on a slightly smaller scale…and much better of course lol.</p>

<p>I can think of many options for you in Chicago…Depaul is really great for business students and its in a pretty trendy neighborhood…kind of yuppie-ish neighborhood actually. Loyola and UIC are particularly good for pre-med students…there are programs that would route you to med school…It would help to know what field you are interested in</p>

<p>I agree ^^^</p>