Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

FYI, if your daughter is considering Oberlin College.

Oberlin vs Alice Blumenfeld

Ms Blumenfeld claims to have been discriminated against due to her race, religion and sexual orientation.

Anyone can sue anyone for anything - hard to analyze when one doesnā€™t know the full truths. That said, assuming itā€™s all true, this is something all of society, unfortunately, is grappling with and will continue to. And could happen anywhere.

Of course, itā€™s up to the OP, but things like this would not dissuade me - only because Iā€™d be likely to read a similar article at some future point at the school they choose.

Thatā€™s just my takeā€¦


Just came from a trip to Ohio.
Oberlin off the list (wrong vibe. Not because of politicsā€¦ Too liberal. Too unstructured. We do not need kindergarten playground as describe by guy from admissionā€¦)
Surprisingly, DD is in love with Woosterā€¦ We need to research it more. It looks that she will be admitted without any problems and get their top scholarship. I still a bit over the fence with it.
But vibe was there. They look like caring team. It does not look however, that they are strong for premed with admission numbers for 2019-2020. I like their research. DD asked to say thanks to people who recommended it.
Visited Denison. It was OK. They do not have foreign language that would work for us. They are not very flexible. Do not have EA. But will probably apply with free application and simplicity to apply. Probably will not get enough money to attend.
Case was good as we expected. Money and admission will be a challenge. I do not like intro Bio and Chem classes with 300 + students.


FYI looking at reviews for Wooster, I think I will steer DD from itā€¦
We do not need bats, asbestos, drugs and excessive parties. I am not sure is there lie by admission but I definitely caught some lie during tourā€¦ It was too good to be trueā€¦

Just curiousā€”can you elaborate on Oberlinā€™s kindergarten playground?

Curious too as this was not at all the vibe we got when we visited.

May be that was from admission guy. He said he new that he did not have enough fun in HS, and was looking at fun school. This one stand to himā€¦ It was very strange presentation.
All requirements are very flexible.
Since DD is not into music and not that artsy (but does love and did dance for years) this school was totally ruled out. This is good school if student want to merry music and science, or math and English.


Sorry too many spelling issues above. I am not sure how to edit post here.

You can edit by clicking the little pencil that is underneath your post.

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Oberlin is great for music kids. It is good for artsy kids like my other daughter (who lovies singing, music, theater etc.). It did not appeal to my youngster at all. I totally agree with her it is not school for her. She wanted more science feel school. If it is good for you child, it is totally fine.
They also have student led classes in winter semester. And winter semester that you can do anything you wanted (guy did something with studying wolves) like travel to Hawaii. In our mind there was way too much freedom and way too little structure for our purpose - premed.

Somehow I do not see a pencil. I see only face, thumb up etc.

Thanks. Mine is musical & arty & loved Oberlin when we visited. I can see how a kid who isnā€™t either might not have found it appealing. I didnā€™t get the impression it was any less structured than a lot of other schools w/ open curriculum and didnā€™t not get the impression it was a party school like the AO implied to you (I mean I know all schools have partying & Iā€™m sure it has its share, but it appeared to be more quirky, nerdy, artsy to us & while the students seemed happy they didnā€™t seem like they were having ā€œtoo much funā€. Well other than the fact that our tour guide overslept & was a few minutes late, but he was otherwise great & definitely studying hard from what he said.). People seemed serious about their educations. Itā€™s definitely not the school for everyone though!


Sorry ā€“ I think it disappears after 15 minutes.

Emerson Hospital in Concord has no connection to Emerson College in Boston.

Emerson Collegeā€™s strengths are communications, media and theater and some of the social sciences. Hard sciences? No.


After our first OOS visit (good impression in person and terrible reviews online of College of Wooster) lesson learned. We also learned that small college may work for DD but probably not very far and not if they accept 70% of students.
We decided to go with more challenging schools and see how it will play. We will visit more school from the list but would not go to all of them. In the worst case scenario, we always have UMD around the corner :slight_smile: . We decided to remove St. Maryā€™s since it has no Hillel and far away from any Jewish community.
I have feeling that this list is almost final and should be manageable to apply.

  1. UMD
  2. UPitt
  3. VCU
    4.George Washington
  4. University of Rochester
  5. CSWR
  6. Tulane
  7. Rhodes
  8. Furman
  9. Washington and Lee
  10. Dickinson
  11. Gettysburg
  12. Muhlenberg
  13. Denison

Which review site did you use for college of Wooster?

Please explain to me again why Furman is on her list?

I read across several websites. Also friend of ours attended several info session and asked them questions, and from response could see several red flags.

I know Furman does not have many Jews but it looks like neutral school.
Furman has good premed and well respected.