Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

BTW NSU just sent a whopping $4,500K Federal Work Study in FA package. This is the biggest FWS we had seen. Max was 2,500 before.

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So per HWS

“We give you the freedom to work with your faculty advisor to design an academic plan that addresses 8 broad goals that can be reached in the context of many different programs of study and course.

The 8 goals address critical thinking, communication, quantitative reasoning, scientific inquiry, the artistic process, social inequalities, cultural difference, and ethical judgment.”

This sounds like some of the “activism” you found objectionable up thread when you said; “Frankly, all schools that push down your throat some ideology
with tracks like freedom at stake, redesign life, global crisis etc.) make me want to run in the other direction.”

Congratulations on having options but I suspect most if not all will have some classes and or requirements inconsistent with what you are looking for.


Not really, it depends of what they have. Cultural difference can be music around the world. Ethical judgement can be General Ethics 101. Social inequalities can be again anything including women’s issues or homelessness. Neither my daughter nor I have any problems with above at all.

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Almost all intro college level “ethical judgment” courses will be a form of comparative religion which up thread seemed to be a concern. The vast majority of “ethics” courses are taught based on a J/C foundation. Not looking to debate suggesting you take a look at the course choices given this is 1:8 of the stated curriculum goals.

We just visited Juniata second time (scholarship day). They have 0 required religious courses. They do not have mandatory comparative religion or Bible as part of Foundation or “core” classes. They do have ethics. Ethics can be without religion :slight_smile:

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Examples of Ethics at Juniata:
PL-230 Business Ethics
PL-235 Ethics of Health Care
PL-250 Science and Human Values
PL-265 Environmental Ethics

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Yes and typically the starting point for all of those courses will be a Judeo Christian framework for ethical discourse. In addition they offer the following

In an academic setting ethics, religion, philosophy and history are all taught as highly interrelated and foundational to one another.


Ethics of health care will likely involve topics such as circumcision, which some/many find to be unethical. Religion often enters into these discussions.

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Juniata does offer religion courses, in their Religious Studies POE (programs of emphasis). All students must complete one POE to graduate. Looks like the religious studies courses can fulfill core/gen eds requirements in several areas including Humanities, Cultural Analysis, International, and Connections.


But they do not have religion requirements! If you want to study religion, you are free to do it. But 0 required religious courses.

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The religious Study that you found is a minor (Secondary emphasis). It is not mandatory.

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Juniata does not have majors and minors. They have POE (Program of Emphasis). Secondary emphasis is a minor. It is not “mandatory core” for all students.

Actually, you are wrong. POE is a major! I am sorry, but I was just there. This is what professors said

“At Juniata we have programs of emphasis (POEs) and secondary emphases rather than the traditional majors/minors system.”

This is how they describe elements of the curriculum

“In Self and the World courses (10-17), students enhance interpersonal skills, gain experience understanding people with different histories, and consider diversity, culture, and ethics through varied experiences. Collectively, these courses help students decide for themselves how best to live a life of meaning. All students put this learning to use as they participate in both local and global community engagement work, a signature element of the Curriculum.”

This is artful in that the intersection of history, diversity, culture and ethics is religion. The deliberate avoidance of the use of the word doesn’t mitigate the reality of what will be the basis for classroom discussion.


It can enter into any discussion. But reading “sources” and interpreting them is up to open discussion. Many religions read the same “original sources” very differently that is why I am against comparative religious classes. Even philosophers and very educated people read them differently. Discussing that this and that procedure can be objected due to religious views - totally fare game.

You can say anything you want, it is freedom of speech. I asked point blank students and professors at Juniata are there any religious required classes in the mandatory “core” curriculum. The answer was no. You can interpret anything you want from whatever source you want.

This is the Rhodes class description upthread you found objectionable

The Search for Values in the Light of Western History & Religion. Humanities 101-102-201

In the first year:

  • Students read the major texts that make up the Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman traditions in historical and cultural context. In addition to the Bible, readings include the Qur’an, as well as the works of poets such as Sappho, Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Christine de Pizan and philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, and St. Augustine.
  • Through careful reading of the texts, students encounter questions about the ideas, arguments, beliefs, and institutions that have shaped Western thought. and wrestle with questions about justice, ethics, cultural difference, and community.
  • Seminars are taught by faculty members from across the college.

The Juanita class is in large part very similar. I would agree that neither are “religious”.

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Juniata has a religion minor (Secondary POE), so there are religious classes available. There are religious classes almost on any small LAC campus. What are you trying to prove? I am not objecting to freedom of religion. I have no problem with kids taking religious classes on campus

I am highlighting that some of the schools you were considering eliminating based on them “forcing ideology” through mandatory “religious” classes are in fact no different beyond verbiage in course descriptions from some of the schools you are supportive of. I am trying to ensure your kid doesn’t discount a school based on a misconception of what is a multi discipline liberal arts course versus one that teaches (or imposes) religious dogma.

I strongly suspect that Rhodes students would respond similarly having read the course descriptions you found so objectionable

I am actually trying to inform you based on experience but happy to stand down. All the best.


Let me respectfully disagree. The course that you mentioned above is very different from Juvenile Justice, Gender and Conflict, or Ethics for Business or Citizenship offered at Juniata

In the process of discussion, I found classes listing for Juniata. You are welcome to explore and you will see that I am correct. (Last option course type has a lot of options)