Smaller school with merit aid for Jewish girl B+/A- premed [really 3.95 unweighted HS GPA]

You’ve been withholding valuable information from us. How can we be expected to make good recommendations when we didn’t know all the facts?

As a lifelong Dolfan, I vote for any school that gives students tickets to Dolphins games!!!


Congratulations on so many great options! Has your daughter looked into the equestrian clubs? I remember that was one activity mentioned early on. I know something like that wouldn’t weigh heavily against the academic and other requirements but it sounded like a really fun activity for her to unwind.

Thank you for the post and for thinking of the way CC is useful to other families.
Again, congratulations to your daughter! She has quite a few excellent choices within her parameters.


Yes, location is also important but since it is very personal I did not put it up. Maybe I should. Actually our list of criteria is much bigger :upside_down_face: like close to 20 items that she needs to rate on scales 1 to 10 for each school :rofl: for her to make a choice and compare front runners.


This is not a final decision (there is a relatively high probability that neither will be chosen), but if people want to have fun you can choose between Nova BS/DO and Gettysburg (Eisenhower scholar) - only one of 15 students with VIP treatment, special advisor, special trips :wink:. It is like tiny very selective honor program. Gettysburg treats these kids like golden eggs and does not let them fail.


@momsearcheng only your daughter really can make that choice between Nova and Gettysburg. At one point, you mentioned distance from home…and Nova is out of that radius (and would be for 7-8 years if she does the DO program there).

Your daughter has a number of good and seemingly affordable options. Very nice place to be!


I know. That is why this is not serious voting. As I said there is something else in the mix that is not shown here :rofl:.
I just wanted to show that we have untrivial choices but we have plenty of them.


I think the process worked great. Like you said, maybe a little too much (in terms of choice) that looking back maybe some could have come off up front

But the beauty is - come August/September, she will be in exactly the right place!! At the right price!!! Everyone who has more than one acceptance, in theory, always applied to too many since they can only go with one.

And that’s all that matters. That’s you’re in the right one. So no matter where you end up, the process will have been a 100% success - even if a bit onerous app wise.

In ten years from now, she’ll be booking Dr. appointments - hopefully :slight_smile:

Eisenhower seems great if she goes this route - hopefully some of the civic engagement projects can be the knid of stuff that med schools like (plus things that are, in general, of interest to prospective medical or legal or whatever types of kids they enroll).


Love this comment :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks for this very helpful post. You have been on a long journey. I appreciate the insight on the B.S./M.D. route, and all the practical, individualized information you shared. Best of luck to your daughter, whatever she decides!


DD finally got into LECOM BS/DO. No MCAT!


Congrats!!! Is this her top choice then?

Congrats to her. Please educate me.

It’s Lake Erie I see - but where do they do undergrad etc?

How does this compare to Nova - other than no MCAT required ?

Great for her.

Edit I found this list. Wow. Lots of flexibility. But I don’t see Gettysburg. Are you still headed this month to Rhodes ? If you went, what were your thoughts ?



So…what is the next step for her? Which undergrad will she be attending.

Congratulations to her.

Yep, she will need to decide :laughing:. Her call what to do. And yes, Gettysburg is not on the list of LECOM. Obviously, Nova is out.



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Did you keep your flight to Memphis ? What was your thoughts on Rhodes, after visiting, assuming you went.

Flying tomorrow…


Have a good trip !! I was just there yesterday (well Memphis).

This is so wonderful. Congratulations!
Long process but very close to the end :-).