Smallish Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Schools w/Merit?

Thanks–the SUNY options look like strong possibilities. I just saw that, as of fall 2022, some SUNY campuses (including Geneseo & New Paltz) are offering state flagship tuition matches for residents of 8 states including MA:


Washington college in Maryland gives great merit and fits everything you mentioned. Theater program with opportunities open to non-theater majors. Eros and sage club for LGBTQ. Model UN club. (So many clubs actually). Great social sciences dept (one of their strengths, along with sciences (bio, Env, Chem), journalism and English, and up and coming business. Students are NOT cookie cutter like some private schools—diverse in styles, race, music, interests, etc.


McDaniel and Salisbury in MD both looked like great medium sized schools that gave good merit. My daughter ultimately decided to only apply to NY schools, but the NPCs on both of these looked like they’d be in SUNY tuition range for her. Good luck!!


My daugher received excellent merit aid from Denison 4 years ago, graduating this May.

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Clark University all day long for this student.

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Schools not on your original list (but that some people have already mentioned) that you may want to consider include these. They accept at least 30% of their students (most accept the majority), so are likely to be more generous with merit aid.

  • Arcadia (PA )

  • Dickinson (PA )

  • Drew (NJ)

  • Hampshire (MA) – I’d investigate finances and how it may continue to be in the future. But students here can also take classes at Amherst and U. Mass. There’s been rumors that Hampshire might become a type of honors college or special studies program at U. Mass. But it’s an interesting school that could be of interest.

  • Hobart William Smith (NY)

  • Keene State (NH)

  • Ithaca (NY)

  • Le Moyne (NY)

  • McDaniel (MD)

  • Muhlenberg (PA )

  • Nazareth (NY)

  • Siena (NY)

  • St. Lawrence (NY)

  • St. Mary’s College of Maryland (public liberal arts college)

  • Stonehill (MA)

  • Suffolk (MA)

  • SUNY Geneseo

  • Susquehanna (PA )

  • U. of Hartford (CT) – being in a state capital is great for political ECs


What is your EFC? I’d run some net price calculators and come up with a number that works for you first. Based on that, better recommendations can be made.

Right, I should have said that. We need to get to 45k. I’ve run a bunch of NPCs & am getting numbers ranging from 29k-68k, with most small private schools coming in around 55-65k.


I suspect that a number of the schools I listed will come in below your budget, after merit aid.


Some other Pennsylvania small private colleges to consider: Elizabethtown, Lebanon Valley, Lycoming, Washington and Jefferson, Westminster, Moravian, York College of PA. If your son is willing to consider Ohio, there are many excellent LACs there, too (Kenyon, Denison, Wooster, Oberlin among others).


Thanks, everyone–you’ve given me a lot to research, & I really appreciate it.


Hi - D23 was just accepted at Fordham LC (yay!), which we applied to somewhat on a lark because her brother is a freshman at Juilliard (we live in SoCal). We are going to visit it this week, but I would love to hear more about the school culture for the students who live on campus. I understand the urban dynamic, but am curious if there is much organized stuff going on in the dorm or otherwise. Would really appreciate any insight you can provide!


Congrats! I wish I could help but my son was at the Rose Hill campus of Fordham which I think has a different vibe. Hope you have a great visit. If you are seeking opinions on the school I recommend you start a new thread on the Fordham page (so attention here remains focused the OPs question).


Maybe start a new thread tagged to Fordham, more likely to catch alumni/parents of currents.


Got it - thanks! (I’m a relative newbie and have never started my own thread - will need to branch out soon :slight_smile: )


Definitely look at Muhlengerg! Sounds like it may be a good fit for your kid.


Remove Rochester. Very little merit if any. Go to Rochester forum and read.

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I am not sure about Juniata. Half of the school are athletes and a lot will play in some sport for Juniata. Also most kids that enroll are interested in Environmental Science or Premed/Prehealth. There are also some who are interested in veterinary.
They do have a theater POE, I find it interesting that there is no single dance class in their curriculum, but ton of Thai Chi.
I happened to look for dance classes and was very disappointed that I could not find them.

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