Smith College EDII 2026

Let me know if you hear anything from Smith for the ED2 round

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Based on previous years, looks like this Friday. Just guessing.

dang…that will be my birthday :))
i heard ppl say its usually the last Monday of jan tho?

Actually just checked the past two years of posts here:
Friday Jan 29 2021
Wednesday Jan 29 2020
Who knows

btw can u still access net partner? mine is somehow unavailable now

I’m a parent not a student, so I don’t know.

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It looks like ED2 decisions will be available on Wednesday, February 3rd between 4-6 EST

yea i got an email too. tysm

I think it’s Thursday.

students got an email about smith’s release date, its on Feb 3rd

Oops, you’re correct @dogdoo! February 3rd is a Thursday, not a Wednesday!

are anyone’s winter video and other posts removed? like everything underneath the checklist is gone?