<p>Ok a few comments, mainly on social life.</p>
<p>I applied to the Smith college with traditions and an emphasis on well...Smith College traditions! There have been very few in my eyes and have been replaced with things like "celebration" which celebrates gay/lesb/transgendered folk. Lovely. Now I have nothing against these people...but I dont see a day on the calendar that celebrates my straightness!! I want real tea, like they had in the past...that the upperclassmen had and raved about 'when they were first years." I want my house kitchen to be open for all meals so I actually get to know everyone in my house. Why doesnt Smith put money into things that Smith is known for like these traditions instead of appeasing a group of women (or so we think) who rant and rave about their sexuality. You all get the point.</p>
<p>Secondly, I think that Smith and the lesbian subject has to be addressed. They are a minority on campus, so you say. But here it feels like a majority. I've been involved in many ec's here and I'm by no means saying this happens in all of them. But, I have been asked "Why are you straight? Why don't you just turn lesbian or be bi for your fours years? Don't bother with boys..." and the like. A friend of mine has also been harassed about it--the upperclassmen in her hous ehave a bet on when she'll "come out" and have said things to her that are of this nature. Hell we have girls on campus that don't want to be called women but rather men, and sure do look like them. I'm no homophobe..but some of the things here make me downright uncomfortable. Smith just fuels the fire catoring to transgendered/lesbians etc on the campus because GOD forbid we hurt someones feelings. They just turned the Campus center bathrooms "gender neutral" a few days ago. Case in point.</p>
<p>In reference to someones previous comment on "girls who complain about lack of boys need to stop being lazy and get on the pvta" or something like that...oh PLEASE. I'm a first year and did that whole party thing the first few weeks here. It was a major no go. And I have been told by many that I'm very good looking. You mainly find drunk jocks that just want to put their hands on you and they think youre easy cuz you go to an all womens school. And when we do have parties here they are filled with the sketchiest of sketchy guys you can find. Example: we had to have pub safety throw a 29 year old drunk guy and his friend out of a party. Sure thats my idea of fun.</p>
<p>Academically this school is great! Great profs and the girls here are like sisters for the most part. But socially, dont be fooled. This is really harsh and by all means I suggest an overnight or two for you to get a feel of it for yourself, but its naive to think that going to amherst will land you guy friends or even a boyfriend, or a social life. Any more questions PM me or ask them here..</p>