Smith women are Smithies. What about the other HWC?

Do any of the other Historically Women’s Colleges have nicknames like “Smithies?”

Bryn Mawr students are Mawrters or Mawrtyrs.


No such thing for Barnard. Closest wordplay I can contribute is their tagline:

“Bold, Beautiful, Barnard”, and of course the often-used “Majoring in Unafraid”.

As far as historical references, before the university’s Columbia College went co-ed in the late 1980s, and male chauvinism still went mostly unchallenged, there was a saying that one would graduate with an MBA from Columbia and an MRS from Barnard. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (This came from my daughter, so I felt it acceptable to recalling this.)

I attended Saint Mary’s College “across the street” from Notre Dame. And my D will attend this fall. There is a bit of the “Mrs” stigma still at SMC. I think it might be starting to go away finally now but when I was there it was present.
Saint Mary’s women call themselves SMC chicks (pronounced smick) but it sometimes can be used in a negative way (or at least it was occasionally used as a put down when I was there). The wonderful and accomplished current president of the college is sometimes endearingly called the “head smick”.
Anyway all interesting stuff!

In the case of CC and BC, in today’s times if anything there’s a bit of envy for the tendency of smaller class sizes at Barnard (which CC students are happy to attend), absence of a core curriculum in favor of broad and flexible distribution requirements,…

In practical terms, it’s not uncommon for Barnard women to be over-represented in University organizations and clubs. Of course, in every-day attire on the combined campus and facilities, no one possibly knows (or cares one bit) which of the 4 undergraduate schools anyone attends.

Well - and grades in the classes attended from students from all schools speak for themselves.


SMC is not very well known (obviously compared to Barnard and smith) and many only know about it in relation to ND. I like to think of it as a hidden gem with all of the wonderful opportunities you mentioned about Barnard. I’m glad that there is some envy from CC because its justified for sure.

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Mount Holyoke students sometimes refer to themselves as MoHos. Personally, I prefer the “MHT” (Mount Holyoke Type) of my day but truthfully the diversity of the College makes the MHT idea somewhat dated. The college acapella groups include the V-8’s (Victory Eights – because it was formed during World War II), Nice Shoes, M&Cs, and Diversions.