Smokers appear healthier than quiters.

<p>has anybody ever noticed that when adults stop smoking after many many years they are much more prone to getting seriously sick than those who never stopped smoking, Almost all of the older people I know who have quit smoking in maybe 10 years or so get very sick, but the ones who never quit, well never get sick.</p>

<p>my mother who is 53 and my grandmother who is 79 both went to different doctors and they both smoke, the doctors were ready to tell them to quit smoking, but all of there test results came back almost perfect, my mother who has been smoking for 35 years has better lungs than me who has never smoked and my grandmother who has smoked for 65 years has lungs just slightly worse than my own, my own score in a breath test that they do during a physical is at 97%. All of my aunts and uncles and grandparents who have quit smoking have all have emphysema and cancers of the lung and such, but the ones who keep smoking are fine. My mother says its the same with her patients and she doesn't know why and plans to keep smoking.. The doctors said they had no reason to tell them to quit smoking as they were much healthier than the doctors themselves.</p>

<p>Guess I should start smoking. Thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>are you not athletic? All of my teammates that smoke have lower V02 max's then I do....maybe your just an isolated situation :)</p>

<p>Hmm... perhaps all this time we had it wrong. It isn't the smoking that causes illness, it's the quitting smoking that does it. How could this amazing revelation have slipped by us?! This is AWESOME.</p>

<p>That's it, I'm never quitting.</p>

<p>Please, go smoke 5 packs. Please. The economy will thank you until you die. Then the world will thank you.</p>

<p>Smoking. One of the main reasons not to have nationalized healthcare.</p>

<p>better lungs than you?
perhaps she smoked while she was pregnant with you</p>