Snotty rich kid stereotype

<p>Hello, </p>

<p>I am interested in applying to this school, but I have heard many rumors and stereotypes regarding the type of people who attend this school as </p>

<p>Snotty, stuck up, unfriendly, rude, full of themselves, rich and arrogant</p>

<p>I don't have an issue with wealth, but what people have said about the way people act because of it. Can anyone tell me if this is true and what the real deal with this stereotype is? </p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>The U is a very diverse campus so of course there will be some students fitting that stereotype ,but to catagorize the majority of students as fitting that description would be unfair and inaccurate. I have visited twice in the past year and did not get that impression at all.</p>

<p>In my experience, the only really “snotty” people are some of the international students that are living off their parents’ millions (don’t take that as a stereotype, not all the international students are like this, but I have noticed that when someone’s flaunting money, it tends to be an international student). Outside of that, you do have some trust-fund babies who go way out of control, but the majority of people are very good about their social status. Most people are extremely friendly, and sometimes you can hardly tell if a person comes from a well-off family. Add in to the mix the sheer number of students on scholarship and other financial aid, and I believe you can safely say that the stereotypical “snotty, stuck up, unfriendly, rude, full of themselves, rich and arrogant” people are in the clear minority.</p>

<p>Great to know that it’s not what I thought, so thank you. Are you in the marine bio program there?</p>

<p>I am indeed!</p>

<p>How do you like it? I am very very interested in doing that if I go to Miami!! Do you ever get to go do stuff like research or anything in the actual ocean? What kind of future does marine bio involve that holds a steady occupation? Conservation of the reefs and wildlife I’m sure, tell me about your experience as a marine bio major there!</p>

<p>I’ll send you a PM.</p>

<p>Thank you I got the pm but they won’t let me respond cause I don’t have enough regular posts. So here is my response…</p>

<p>Thank you very much I really appreciate the insight! That sounds fascinating I would love to do the scuba club that sounds like a lot of fun! And the snorkeling trip of course. I’ll think and see if I have any more questions for you but for now I should be good but expect a pm I probably will have more questions hahaa but thanks so much.</p>

<p>Those kinds of people are everywhere and you cannot avoid them no matter what kind of school you go to. I wouldn’t take it personally against umiami.</p>

<p>Not a problem, glad to help!</p>