So, Bonfire?

I’m finally free from the process! (Great to be, I am working out some kinks for Financial Aid, but I now have my life back! Yey!) Unfortunately, I have dozens of marked up, used SAT prep books that are too used to use again (wow, great vocabulary), three drawers full of college brochures and pamphlets… etc., WOW! What to do?

<p>I think the bonfire is a great idea.... and hey, I'll probably be able to see it from up here in Northern California with all that fuel. :p</p>

<p>Congrats, it's great to be free from the shackles of college apps.</p>

<p>I'm glad you have your life back and are finally unshackled from SAT prep, college apps, interviews, etc. If you want to burn the SAT prep books and the college brochures/pamphlets, go for it.</p>

<p>Being a hoarder, personally I'd keep my over fondly when I'm older.</p>

<p>Try donating some of the stuff to your GC/college office as there are many people qho may not afford to make vistis purchase books. If you are close to a poorer school district donating the materials to them may even be greater appreciated</p>

<p>I've kept all the copies of my many drafts of the CommonApp essay, as well as copies of the drafts of other supplemental essays...which will be burned summarily once I get into some places. It will be a nice toasty fire... :)</p>