<p>I had this
2. essay
3. CR (about the bus driver short passage)
4. Math
5-6. Math-CR (may have mixed em up) (CR had short passages on fast food places etc.)
7 - Wrting
8 - CR
9 - MATH
10 duh
Ok on writing. On the question about how forests are becoming chopped down and timber did you put D (question 27). On the board of directors did you put D (quesiton 28). On quesiton 25 or 24 did you put A (despite)? On question 19 about "in may, construction had begun etc. (A?)"
Question 16 - about black snow and some driver . I put E
Question 21 - about artifacts and stuff and how they were "more tahn 1000 years old" (i put B that more than was wrong)
Also on section 10 was the VERY last one correct ? (A)
Also on section 10 there was this quesiton about STephanie acheiving her goals or something.. did you put A or C (C was a bit more wordier by saying goals that were more easier to achieve or something).